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1750 CPU Linux cluster and PC-workstations

2000TB++ Satabeast raid

Any types of tapes / discks


Typical size is 1000 km2 3D from field tapes with turnaround 3-6 months, or up to 3000 km 2D processing per month.

Depth Migration 2000m2 is about 2 weeks.

AVA analysis (including cross plots) - 1 day per 2D/arbitrary line.

Data preconditioning 1-3 days for RE. Fluid Replacement Modeling, synthetic gathers - 1 well per day.

Pilot version: Reservoir Characterization – from 3 days for 2D/arbitrary lines.


Seismic Unix, Seplib and GMT, ProMax 2D/3D and SeisSpace, Fusion-3DGeo - Kirchhoff and Beam, PSDM model builder and tomography, Delphi consortium – SRME, Hampson-Russell, DUG Insight, Kingdom, MatLab, and our own codes and modules.



Pre Stack Solutions - Geo AS

Main office Oslo, Norway +47 225 60 715



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