Synthetic gather with linear phase shift from 0 to 90 degrees
decomposition for 0- degree component
decomposition for 90- degrees component
Thin layers and HC effects are often accompanied by phase anomalies. These can be detected by decomposing the phase.
On this slide we show Synthetic gather with linear phase shift from 0 to 90 degrees. This shift would normally be corrected by higher velocity or trim static correction.
Such feature could be due to fluid effect and seismic velocity should be picked on the 0 phase decomposed gather.
Phase decomposition 90 degree gather emphasizes the fluid effect on the far offsets.
Wedge model
Wedge phase decomposition 0
The Wedge model (shown to the left here) illustrates tuning effect – bright amplitude in the moment of tuning.
Thin layers and HC effects are often accompanied by phase anomalies.
The Wedge phase decomposition 0 and 90 degrees allows easily the separation of thin and thick layers.
Wedge phase decomposition 90
Original seismic |
Phase decomposition 0 |
Phase Decomposition 90 |