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PSS-Geo has internal research teams which continuously developing new modules and approaches in different areas of geo exploration. We collaborate and sponsor research institutes and consortia. Our partners: Delphi (Holland), WIT (Germany), IPGG SB RAS (Russia), UiO (Norway) and others.

  • Pre-stack implementation of the AI-based seismic inversion algorithm with artificial constraints. (#341352. The Research Council of Norway. Grant. Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector 2022. 2023-2024.) (started)

  • Artificial Intelligence - Rock properties prediction from seismic traces (Innovation Norway grant 2020) (completed)

  • ML Fluid Prediction from seismic and wells - pilot version of the online platform (completed)

  • Non-stretched Stacking (in progress)


Rune Inversion (April 2019) - Artificial Intelligence

The very first Seismic Post-Stack Inversion algorithm that allows to estimate Velocity and Density separately; with no well logs data required! Inverted Density and Velocity used as a base for Vclay, Porosity and Reservoir quality attribute - (1-Vclay)*Phi computations. 

High-speed HighRes velocity estimation from seismic data


PSS-Geo AS developed a processing flow for High-Resolution Velocity construction based on two methods: Amplitude Inversion combined with Dynamic Auto Correlation or combined with Dynamic Time Warping. By combinations these two methods, High-Resolution Velocity field can be generated quickly, without big machine computation power. Implementation of High-Resolution velocity field is a useful attribute for seismic interpretation: lithology, geohazard  and fluid prediction.

Phase Decomposition

Thin layers and HC effects are often accompanied by phase anomalies. It can be detected by decomposing the phase.

Original seismic
Phase decomposition 0
Phase decomposition 90

Noise Reduction


Tenzor based regularization

-noise reduction

-faults preservation

Post stack  process with demigration and migration for easy structural interpretation.

Thin layers and HC effects are often accompanied by phase anomalies. It can be detected by decomposing the phase.

Integrated Fluid Factor

Integrated Fluid Factor

Wisting Barents Sea PSS-Geo Seismic Data Attributes / Data of MultiClient Geophysical ASA

Fluid Factor weighted frequency

Fluid Factor weighted frequency

Wisting Barents Sea PSS-Geo Seismic Data Attributes / Data of MultiClient Geophysical ASA

Integrated Fluid Factor weit. freq.

Integrated Fluid Factor weit. freq.

Wisting Barents Sea PSS-Geo Seismic Data Attributes / Data of MultiClient Geophysical ASA

Section colored by AVO classes

Section colored by AVO classes

Wisting Barents Sea PSS-Geo Seismic Data Attributes / Data of MultiClient Geophysical ASA

  PSS-Geo Seismic Data Attributes





Seismic attributes - are quantities extracted or derived from seismic data. These attributes can be analyzed in order to enhance information that might be more subtle in a traditional seismic image, leading to a better geological or geophysical interpretation of the data.

We suggest a package of attributes that include classic set and Q-factor, Phase decomposition and Lithology.


Pre Stack Solutions - Geo AS

Main office Oslo, Norway +47 225 60 715



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