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Rune Inversion (April 2019) - Artificial Intelligence (Patented, NIPO 20210133)

The very first Seismic Post-Stack Inversion algorithm that allows estimating Velocity and Density independently.

- Initial models can be constructed from well logs data or seismic velocity can be used.

- There is no coupling between Vp and Dn beyond frequency of the initial models.

- Post-stack Seismic can be used.

- The quality of result depends on the quality of the input data.


Rune Inversion appeared to be a good link between geology and geophysics without a human interaction.

Artificial kinematic constrains, simulated annealing and global optimizations are used as the basis for the algorithm.

Click here to download the presentation with computation steps, PDF.



What are the advantages compare to the conventional algorithms?

  • Post-Stack Inversion of deterministic approach, allows to predict only Impedance (P-imp=Vp*Dn).

  • Pre-Stack Inversion of deterministic approach, allows to predict Impedances (P-imp=Vp*Dn, S-imp=Vs*Dn) and Density is coupled and normally very poor resolved from AVO inversion.

  • Stochastic Inversion gives better visual resolution. Nevertheless, the results of mathematical variations in the long run are the average of the deterministic approach.

All known algorithms required skilled specialists and software. The result is very dependent on the hand of geophysics.


The proposed algorithm can be used by a geologist that have Seismic Stack and Stacking Velocities.

He/she can invert a whole seismic section or a cube to P-impedance, Vp and Density.

Contact for more information here

Example 1

Only public data is used: Seismic post-stack data and seismic velocity.

Well 35/3-2. QC: well logs and inverted result by deterministic approach

Agat field
Example 2

Only public data is used: Seismic post-stack data and seismic velocity calibrated to check shots.

Vp, Inversion, post-stack, AI, Seismic velocity.


Pre Stack Solutions - Geo AS

Main office Oslo, Norway +47 225 60 715



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